
1.0 Definitions

1.1 The following words and expressions have the meaning hereby assigned to them:

1.1.1 Academic Appraisal: a framework that encourages Academic Members to participate in and share responsibility for their professional performance, development, and achievements.

1.1.2 Academic Management: Academic Members assigned administrative duties of a: President, Vice President, Associate Vice President, Academic Manager, Director, Dean, Associate/Assistant Dean, Department Head, Program Head, and other Heads (as applicable).

1.1.3 Academic Members: Faculty Members and Instructional Members.

1.1.4 Action Plan: A document that describes the Academic Member’s planned activities and targets for the coming appraisal cycle in terms of time, effort, and deliverables in four key areas: Teaching, Scholarly & Creative Activities, Services, and Academic Professional Development.

1.1.5 Appraisal Portfolio: An electronic dossier that forms the basis of the Academic Appraisal. It includes evidence of Teaching, Scholarly and Creative Activities, Services, and Academic Professional Development undertaken during the Evaluation Period.

1.1.6 Academic Promotion: Advancement to the next highest rank/classification level through formal academic recognition by the University of a specified record of achievement by the Academic Member. It also confirms that the Academic Member has the potential to make a continuing contribution to the University vision and mission in (a) Teaching, (b) Scholarly/Creative Activities, and (c) Services.

1.1.7 Academic Professional Development: A planned program of activities and events that provides for and contributes to the personal and professional improvement of Academic Members, and is intended to help Academic Members improve their professional knowledge, competence, skill, and effectiveness.

1.1.8 Course: A set of Learning Sessions in a particular subject, with a defined scope and duration, and specific learning outcomes.

1.1.9 Credit: A unit of measurement assigned to a Course based on the total amount of learning time that counts toward a Program or credential completion, at a particular level of the Qatar National Qualification Framework.

1.1.10 Evaluation Period:The appraisal cycle for Academic Members, that is based on one calendar year. It normally begins with the Winter semester (January) and includes the Winter Intersession, and following Fall semesters.

1.1.11 Faculty Members: Members of the teaching and/or research staff, whether on part- or full-time, holding the following titles: Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer/Senior Technical Instructor, or Lecturer/Technical Instructor.

1.1.12 Instructional Members:Members of the teaching staff, whether on part- or full- time, holding the following titles: Assistant Lecturer/or Workshop/Lab/Clinical Instructor, Assistant Technical Instructor, Trades Technical Instructor, or Teaching Assistant.

1.1.13 Learning Session: Classes, labs, placements or work term prescribed by a Course.

1.1.14 Program: A prescribed set of Courses leading to a qualification, including a Certificate, Diploma (2 years), Advanced Diploma (3 years), Bachelor, Master, or Doctorate according to the Qatar National Qualifications Framework.

1.1.15 Research: :The systematic and organized investigation of a subject, and study of the materials and sources in order to establish new knowledge and/or reach new conclusions.

1.1.16 Scholarly/Creative Activities: The empirical (experiential and applied) Research that is aligned to the focus of the University, and the orientation of the vocational and technical type of the education the University is providing, and intellectual attainment including; published journal papers, peer reviewed conference papers/articles, book chapters, as well as other activities that are peer reviewed and/or publicly disseminated and which include the discovery of new knowledge; development of new materials/practices and/or new uses for existing materials/practices; and which broaden and expand the learning communities in which Academic 3 | 5 PL-AC-09: Academic Appraisal Policy © Augus 2020 Members function and in which the University is situated.

1.1.17 Services: Engagement by Academic Members in University wide or departmental activities such as leadership on College committees, program development and accreditation support activities special project assignments, or other such work in fulfillment of the University’s strategic and academic objectives; in their professional organizations through attendance at meetings, professional presentations, or other such work; and service to the broader community such as representing the University in the broader community, professional presentations to audiences outside the campus; or other such activities.

1.1.18 Student: A person who is presently enrolled at the University in a Credit Course or who is designated by the University as a Student.

1.1.19 Teaching: The delivery of theoretical and/or practical instruction for the purpose of Student learning and development, that is generally organized by disciplines and/or interdisciplinary of study and administered within an established model and timeframe.

1.1.20 University: University of Doha for Science and Technology established by Emiri Resolution No. 13 of 2022.

1.2 Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and viceversa.

1.3 Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings.

2.0 Policy Purpose

2.1 This policy sets the standard for conducting the Academic Appraisal for Academic Members to enhance the quality of Teaching, Scholarly and Creative Activities, Services and Academic Professional Development at the University, and recognizes meritorious performance through the Academic Appraisal.

3.0 Policy Scope

3.1 This policy applies to all Academic Members at the University.

4.0 Policy Statement

4.1 The University recognizes that professional, competent, and engaged Academic Members are integral to the delivery of quality educational programs and professional services.

4.2 The Academic Appraisal is a mandatory requirement for all full-time Academic Members at the University.

4.3 The Academic Appraisal process is conducted annually to provide a continuous improvement record and to assist in the evaluation of Academic Members for support, professional growth, and, when applicable, Academic Promotion.

4.4 Strategic objectives must be set in four key broad areas as follows:

4.4.1 Teaching

4.4.2 Scholarly and Creative Activities

4.4.3 Services

4.4.4 Academic Professional Development

4.5 The four key areas must provide Academic Member with a clear framework for setting pedagogical,technical and professional objectives in compliance with the criteria given in the Academic Appraisal and, as set out in the relevant procedures.

4.6 Appeal Process: If the Academic Member does not agree with the result of the Academic Appraisal, he/she may appeal to the relevant Academic Management for the re-evaluation of his/her Appraisal Portfolio.The appeal process must comply with the criteria given in the Academic Appraisal procedure.

4.7 All parties involved in the Academic Appraisal process must maintain the confidentiality of all data and results made available to them at all times.

5.0 Procedures

5.1 The Vice-President, Academic will ensure that procedures are developed for the implementation of this policy.

6.0 Related Documents

6.1 Academic Appraisal Framework (AAF)

6.2 PL-AC-03: Academic Qualifications Policy

6.3 PL-AC-02: Academic Credentials Policy

6.4 PL-AC-04: Academic Promotion Policy

6.5 PL-AC-11: Academic Professional Development Policy

6.6 PR-AC-09: Academic Appraisal Procedure.

PL-AC-09: Academic Appraisal Policy ©
Augus 2020