As a UDST Graduate, you can take advantage of a whole range of benefits and offers that are exclusive to you. Explore the many benefits and services we offer from campus privileges to special discounts and offers.
- A lifetime email account
- Discounts at various retail outlets, restaurants, hotels, and entertainment.
- Notification to the most important events, conferences, training courses and workshops in the university.
- Job Opportunities in Qatar

Showcase businesses according to Below categories:
- Advertising, Marketing and PR
- Apparel & Fashion
- Arts, Media & Entertainment
- Business Services
- Consulting Businesses
- Energy and Sustainability
- Environmental Service
- Fitness & Wellness
- Food & Beverage
- Notification to the most important events, conferences, training courses and workshops in the college.
- Job Opportunities in Qatar.
- Alumni association membership card.

Sport and Wellness valuing its relationship with College graduates, grants preferential considerations for the access to and usage of S&W Facilities and Services to its Alumni. Sport and Wellness also offer discounted rates of up to a 33.3% for services/programming that serve to engage Alumni and their families.
UDST Alumni are granted the exclusive capability to book themselves a “self-applied” Guest Pass for use of selected Sport and Wellness Facilities during S&W operation hours. This access opportunity, is typically only available to the UDST Internal Community (Students, Faculty and Staff). Of note, members of the Public cannot book any facilities during S&W operating hours.
- Self-Applied Guest Pass for S&W Facility usage.
- Ability to book themselves in selected Sport and Wellness facilities during S&W operating hours.
- Selected facilities apply and all Guest Pass bookings must be done via the Sport and Wellness Booking System- https://udstsport.udst.edu.qa and Alumni must ensure that their correct College 600 ID number and existing password is used to ensure accurate login.
- If you have any difficulty logging in, please contact the IT helpdesk via email
- ithelpdesk@udst.edu.qa or call 4495 2470
- Sport and Wellness seek to engage the greater community in services and programming targeted at children, teens and adults. Most of these services and programming offerings UDST Alumni are provided fee discounts.
- Selected Discount for Sport and Wellness Services and Programming.
- All S&W Services and Programming must be booked via the Sport and Wellness Booking System- https://udstsport.udst.edu.qa/ and Alumni must ensure that their correct College 600 ID number and existing password is used to ensure accurate login.
- UDST boasts some of the highest quality and in demand Sport and Wellness facilities to its internal community and members of the public. Majority of the S&W Facilities can only be utilized by Students, Faculty and Staff and their guests during S&W operation hours. Sport and Wellness offer Students, Faculty and Staff a discounted guest pass fee when inviting a UDST Alumni.
- Discounted Alumni Guess Pass Rate
- College Community (Students, Faculty and Staff) pay only 20 QAR per Alumni guest for a Sport and Wellness Facility Booking during S&W operating hours. (1/3 less than public community rate)
- All Sport and Wellness Facilities must be booked via the Sport and Wellness Booking System- https://udstsport.udst.edu.qa/ and the College Community Member (Student, Faculty and Staff) must ensure that they have their Alumni Guest accurate 600 College ID number when making the booking.

UDST Library Services provides to alumni the following:
- Access Alumni Databases
- Online Resource Access
- Access most of the Library’s online resources, including databases and online journals, from campus
If you have any difficulty logging in, please contact the IT helpdesk via email ithelpdesk@udst.edu.qa or call 4495 2470
- LinkedIn Learning
- Access LinkedIn Learning content and learning pathways from anywhere for free. To request LinkedIn access please send an email to reference@udst.edu.qa .