Final Exams


The final examination schedule and locations will be available to all students in their Student Self-Service portal and through MYUDST. Students should read and be familiar with all final examination policies.

Spring 2024 Final Exam Schedules

Undergraduate and Graduate

To view exam schedule

Foundation Program

To view exam schedule

Final Exam Rules for Students

  1. All exams will start on time
    • Arrive at campus 1 hour before your exam time (to avoid queuing delays at gate).
    • Go to exam room 30 minutes before your exam.
    • If you are late for the exam, you will not be permitted to enter the exam room.
  2. Show your UDST ID Card before entering the exam room
    • If you did not bring your card, you must go to 9.1.80 to confirm your identification.
    • If this makes you late for your exam, you will not be permitted into the exam room.
  3. All personal belongings (bags, books, mobiles, etc.) will not be allowed in the exam room and must be left in your car.
  4. The following items are not permitted in exam rooms:
    • Smartphones
    • Smartwatches
    • Study notes or extra paper
    • Backpacks or gym bags
    • Purses or briefcases
    • Food or liquid
    Note: Food and/or liquid required for medical purposes is permitted with approval from the Admissions and Registration Directorate before your exam. Water may be permitted if it is in a clear plastic water bottle with the label removed (except during Ramadan).
  5. Once the exam begins, you cannot leave the exam until 30 minutes has passed.
  6.  If you leave the exam room (i.e. illness, etc.), you will not be permitted back in the room.
  7. All exam papers must stay in the exam room after the exam.
  8. Students are required to sign the Exam Sign-In sheet before leaving the exam room. 
  9. You may use a calculator if it is required for the exam and approved by your instructor.
  10. All bags/cases that carry pens, pencils, etc., must be made of clear plastic.
  11. If you have a question, please raise your hand and wait for the exam invigilator. 
  12. No talking is permitted during the exam.
  13. If you are seen cheating or communicating to another student during an exam, you will receive zero on the exam and an Academic Dishonesty Incident Report will be filed on your permanent record.