1.0 Definitions
1.1 The following words and expressions have the meaning hereby assigned to them:
1.1.1 Academic Freedom: The right of all Academic Members to freely study, discuss, investigate, teach, conduct Research, and publish as appropriate to their respective roles and responsibilities.
1.1.2 Academic Management: Academic Members assigned administrative duties of a: President, Vice President, Associate Vice President, Academic Manager, Director, Dean, Associate/Assistant Dean, Department Head, Program Head and other Heads (as applicable).
1.1.3 Academic Members: Faculty Members and Instructional Members.
1.1.4 Course: A set of Learning Sessions in a particular subject, with a defined scope and duration, and specific learning outcomes.
1.1.5 Faculty Members: members of the teaching and/or research staff, whether on part- or full- time, holding the following titles: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer/Senior Technical Instructor, or Lecturer/Technical Instructor.
1.1.6 Instructional Members: members of the teaching staff, whether on part- or full- time, holding the following titles: Assistant Lecturer/or Workshop/Lab/Clinical Instructor, Assistant Technical Instructor, or Teaching Assistant.
1.1.7 Learning Session: Lectures, Laboratories, Internships, Field Work, Clinical Practice, Seminars, Workshops, Placements/Work Terms, as prescribed by a Course.
1.1.8 Research: The systematic and organized investigation of a subject/topic, and study of the materials and sources in order to establish new knowledge and/or reach new conclusions.
1.1.9 Scholarly/Creative Activities: Empirical (experiential and applied) Research that is aligned to the focus of the University, and the orientation of the vocational and technical type of the education the University is providing, and intellectual attainment including; published journal papers, peer reviewed conference papers/articles, book chapters, as well as other activities that are peer reviewed and/or publicly disseminated and which include the discovery of new knowledge; development of new materials/practices and/or new uses for existing materials/practices; and which broaden and expand the learning communities in which Academic Members function and in which the University is situated.
1.1.10 Services: engagement by Academic Members in University wide or departmental activities such as leadership on University committees, program development and accreditation support activities special project assignments, or other such work in fulfillment of the University’s strategic and academic objectives; in their professional organizations through attendance at meetings, professional presentations, or other such work; and service to the broader community such as representing the University in the broader community, professional presentations to audiences outside the campus; or other such activities.
1.1.11 Teaching: The delivery of theoretical and/or practical instruction for the purpose of Student learning and development, that is generally organized by disciplines and/or interdisciplinarity of study and administered within an established mode and timeframe.
1.2 Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa.
1.3 Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings.
2.0 Policy Purpose:
2.1 This policy recognizes the dissemination of knowledge through Teaching and learning, Research, and Services as an integral component of the University’s mission.
3.0 Policy Scope
3.1 This policy applies to all Academic Members at the University.
4.0 Policy Statement
4.1 The University recognizes that freedom of inquiry and expression is indispensable for this purpose and believes that the administration and Academic Members must cooperate to create a productive academic environment.
4.2 The University recognizes that the free search for and exposition of truth and understanding, and full freedom in Research and publication is essential, as is the freedom to discuss scholarly subjects in the Learning Sessions.
4.3 Within the scope of this policy, and subject to the respect of and adherence to the culture, values, morals of the Qatari community, and the laws of Qatar, Academic Freedom implies that Academic Members are:
4.3.1 entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subjects in ways that enhance learning and promote student development;
4.3.2 entitled to full freedom in Research and the publication of their findings, in adherence to the commonly accepted practices of conducting and publishing Research;
4.3.3 to recognize that their special position in the community imposes special obligations including the following: they must at all times be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, show respect for the opinions of others, and make every effort to indicate that they are not necessarily representing the views of the institution;
4.3.4 entitled to participate in professional and representative academic bodies inside and outside Qatar.
4.4 In exercising their Academic Freedom, Academic Members must recognize that:
4.4.1 Academic Freedom does not exempt an Academic Member from acting responsibly and carrying the responsibilities and duties defined in the academic policies and procedures, regulations, rules, and relevant governing documents;
4.4.2 The right to Academic Freedom is enjoyed by all Academic Members.
4.4.3 Academic Members must be prepared at all times to actively support the right of the individual to freedom of Research and communication.
4.4.4 An Academic Member must: maintain the mutual respect and confidence of others; endeavor to understand and respect the customs and traditions of the academic community; respect the culture and traditions of Qatar, exercise appropriate restraint, and refrain from engaging in activities that are illegal, or that disrespect or insult the culture, values, and morals of the local community
4.5 An Academic Member who feels that his/her Academic Freedom has been threatened or limited in some way, can address the issue through the University complaint and grievance procedures.
5.0 Procedures
5.1 The Vice-President, Academic will ensure that procedures are developed and implemented in accordance with this policy.
6.0 Related Documents
6.1 PR-AC-08: Funded Research Policy

PL-AC-10: Academic Freedom Policy ©
August 2020