1.0 Definitions
1.1 The following words and expressions have the meaning hereby assigned to them:
1.1.1 Academic Members: Faculty Members and Instructional Members.
1.1.2 Faculty Members: members of the teaching and/or research staff, whether on part- or full-time, holding the following titles: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer/Senior Technical Instructor, or Lecturer/Technical Instructor.
1.1.3 Instructional Members: Members of the teaching staff, whether on part- or full-time, holding the following titles: Assistant Lecturer/or Workshop/Lab/Clinical Instructor, Assistant Technical Instructor, Trades Technical Instructor, or Teaching Assistant.
1.1.4 University: University of Doha for Science and Technology established by Emiri Resolution No. 13 of 2022.
1.2 Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa.
1.3 Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings.
2.0 Policy Purpose
2.1 The purpose of this policy is to support, recognize contributions of, and retain Academic Members within the University.
3.0 Policy Scope
3.1 This policy applies to all full-time Academic Members at the University.
4.0 Policy Statement
4.1 Retention is an integral part of the employment relationship between the University and its Academic Members. The University aims to provide Academic Members with job security, stability and professional development opportunities that promotes the mission and strategic objectives of the University.
4.2 The University invests considerable effort and resources in recruiting, hiring, supporting, developing, and retaining highly qualified and diverse Academic Members. Transparency, objectivity, and fairness must be adhered to during these processes.
4.3 Recognition of contributions, reward, and retention of Academic Members will be outlined in the related procedures
5.0 Procedures
5.1 The Vice-President, Academics will ensure that procedures are developed and implemented in accordance with this policy
6.0 Related Documents
6.1 PL-AC-02: Academic Credentials Policy;
6.2 PL-AC-03: Academic Qualifications Policy;
6.3 PL-AC-04: Academic Promotion Policy;
6.4 PL-AC-09: Academic Appraisal Policy;
6.5 PR-AC-12: Academic Members’ Retention Procedure.