Examination Policy


APA Formatted Text

1.0 Definitions

1.1 The following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:

1.1.1 Academic Calendar : a representation of the periods associated with the University’s operations, containing the teaching periods, exam and holiday dates, cancel, withdrawal, and add/drop deadlines, which is approved by the University's Board of Trustees.

1.1.2 Academic Members: Faculty Members and Instructional Members.

1.1.3 Academic Unit : An entity within the University that delivers Courses for Programs or for entry into Programs.

1.1.4 Accommodation : A service provided by the University to a Student that requires learning support.

1.1.5 Academic Year : Means the 12-month period defined in the University's Academic Calendar, as approved by the Board of Trustees.

1.1.6 Chief Invigilator : An Academic Member assigned by the college Dean or Academic Manager, Foundation Program Unit to take overall responsibility for the conduct and supervision of the examination administration of a Final Examination for a specific Course.

1.1.7 Conferrals : A review of a marked Examination or competency assessment between the Student and the Academic Member.

1.1.8 Course : A set of Learning Sessions in a particular subject area with a defined scope and duration, and specific Learning Outcomes.

1.1.9 Course Learning Outcomes : The specifications of what the Student should learn as the result of the specified and supported study in a given Course.

1.1.10 Credit : A unit of measurement assigned to a Course based on the total amount of learning time that counts toward a Program or credential completion, at a particular level of the Qatar National Qualification Framework.

1.1.11 Deferred Examination : An Examination that is taken at a time other than the scheduled time or date.

1.1.12 Examination : In-term and Final Examinations administered to the Students.

1.1.13 Examination Administration : The delivery of an Examination to Students.

1.1.14 Examination Security : Confidentiality, privacy and safekeeping of Examinations at all stages of the Examination process.

1.1.15 Faculty Members : Members of the teaching and/or research staff, whether on full- or part-time, holding the following titles: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer/Senior Technical Instructor, or Lecturer/Technical Instructor.

1.1.16 Final Examination : An assessment for measuring the achievement of specific Course Learning Outcomes, which is administered at the end of a Course.

1.1.17 Final Grade : The grade assigned for the entire Course, when all mandatory components of the Course are completed.

1.1.18 Foundation Program : A series of University Courses designed to prepare Students for their Program.

1.1.19 In-Term Examination : An assessment for measuring the achievement of specific Course Learning Outcomes which is administered during the Semester.

1.1.20 Instructional Members : Members of the teaching staff, whether on part- or full- time, holding the following titles: Assistant Lecturer/or Workshop/Lab/Clinical Instructor, Assistant Technical Instructor, Trades Technical Instructor, or Teaching Assistant.

1.1.21 Invigilation : The supervision of the Examination Administration.

1.1.22 Learning Session : classes, labs, placements, or work term prescribed by a Course.

1.1.23 Marking : Grading of an Examination, assessment, or other Student work.

1.1.24 Preparation : Examination creation, review, reproduction, and storage prior to the Exam Administration.

1.1.25 Program : A prescribed set of Courses leading to a qualification, including a Certificate, Diploma (2 years), Advanced Diploma (3 years), Bachelor, Master, or Doctorate, in accordance to the Qatar National Qualifications Framework.

1.1.26 Semester : A division of an Academic Year where a Student is enrolled in a Course(s) followed by an Examination period.

1.1.27 Student : a person who is presently enrolled at the University in a Credit Course or who is designated by the University as a Student.

1.1.28 Submission : Delivery of a prepared Examination to the Department/Program Head for final review.

1.1.29 Teaching : The delivery of theoretical and/or practical instruction for the purpose of student learning and development, that is generally organized by disciplines and/or interdisciplinary of study and administered within an established mode and timeframe.

1.1.30 University : University of Doha for Science and Technology established by Emiri Resolution No. 13 of 2022

1.2 Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa

1.3 Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings.

2.0 Policy Purpose

2.1 An Examination evaluates Student achievement of Course Learning Outcomes within a Course. It provides insight into the acquisition of learning and evidence that institutional standards and educational quality have been achieved.

2.2 This policy outlines the requirements related to Examinations, and provides coordinated and consistent Examination standards and practices across the University

3.0 Policy Scope

3.1 This policy applies to Academic Units involved throughout the Student Examination process, including: Preparation, Submission, Exam Administration, Invigilation, Marking, Conferrals, Accommodations, and Examination Security

3.2 This Policy applies to:

3.2.1 Academic Units;

3.2.2 Academic Members;

3.2.3 Admissions and Registration Directorate; and

3.2.4 Students.

4.0 Policy Statement

4.1 It is the obligation of Academic Members to ensure that Examinations align to the competencies and requirements of the Course Learning Outcomes; measure the skills, competencies, understanding, and knowledge of the Students; and are consistent, transparent measures of learning.

4.2 Examination materials will be retained by the respective Academic Unit for at least one (1) year from the date of the Examination, and in accordance with the University document retention procedures.

4.3 In-term Examinations

4.3.1 All In-term Examinations must be administered during regularly scheduled Learning Sessions, unless the Examination requires additional time to be completed, in which case it may be administered outside of regularly scheduled Learning Sessions.

4.3.2 It is the obligation of Academic Members to provide written feedback to Students on In-term Examinations administered in any given Course. Students have the right to discuss Examination feedback with the Academic Member delivering the Course.

4.3.3 When a Student has three or more full-period, in-class or out-of-class Interm Examinations scheduled within a 24-hour period, it is the responsibility of the Student to notify the concerned Academic Members of the circumstances so that an appropriate Accommodation can be made.

4.4 Final Examinations

4.4.1 The Final Examination period dates are published in the Academic Calendar.

4.4.2 In order to facilitate an environment conducive for Student success during the Final Examination period, academic activity must be limited to Final Examinations.

4.5 Preperation of Final Examination Papers

4.5.1 Academic Members are responsible for preparing the Examination for the Course they are Teaching.

4.5.2 Final Examination content must be reviewed by the Department/Program Head or an Academic Member designee after conducting the Final Examination. The Academic Member shall ensure that the contents of the Final Examinations differ from previous examinations for the same Course by not less than 50%.

4.5.3 Examination Preparation, Submission, Exam Administration, and Marking, must be in accordance with the relevant procedures associated with this policy.

4.6 Conflict of Final Examinations

4.6.1 When two or more Final Examinations overlap, or occur at the same time, a Student may file a conflict Examination request, at least ten (10) days before the scheduled Examinations, in accordance with the relevant procedures associated with this policy.

4.6.2 When a Student has three or more Final Examinations scheduled on any one calendar day (i.e., within a 24-hour period), the Student may file a conflict Examination request, at least ten (10) days before the scheduled Examinations, in accordance with the relevant procedures associated with this policy.

4.7 Deferred Examinations

4.7.1 All Students enrolled in a Course with a Final Examination are expected to attend the Final Examination.

4.7.2 Students who are unable to write their Final Exam at the scheduled time may be granted approval to write a Deferred Examination.

4.7.3 The following constitute valid reasons for a Deferred Examination: Serious medical illness; Serious personal issues/circumstances; Serious extenuating circumstances.

4.7.4 Students must apply to the Department Head or the Academic Manager, Foundation Program Unit and provide supporting documentation (such as a Medical report should be stamped and signed by medical service providers approved by the University) which confirms inability to write the Final Examination on the original date. Incomplete requests will be cancelled, and late documents will not be accepted. Travel does not constitute a valid reason for requesting a Deferred Examination.

4.7.5 Students who fail to show for their Deferred Examination will fail the Final Examination.

4.7.6 Permission to write Deferred Examinations is a privilege, not a right, granted solely on the basis of serious medical illness; serious personal issues/circumstances; or serious extenuating circumstances.

4.7.7 The Deferred Examination is the Final Examination for the individual concerned. There are no deferrals of Deferred Examinations.

4.7.8 All grade changes for Deferred Examinations and updates to Academic Standing will be processed by the last day of registration of the subsequent Semester

4.8 Examination Invigilators

4.8.1 Examinations must be invigilated, in accordance with the relevant procedures associated with this policy.

4.8.2 Invigilators are responsible for the conduct of Examinations and for ensuring compliance with this policy. A Student must comply with all directions given by the invigilator.

4.8.3 The Academic Member instructing a Course for which a Student is undergoing an Examination, or an alternative contact as approved by the college Dean/Academic Manager, Foundation Program Unit, must be available during the specific period of the Examination to respond to any questions that may arise regarding the Examination. Invigilators who are not the Course Instructors must not make a determination regarding the content of an Examination question.

4.9 Interruption to Examinations

4.9.1 Where an Examination is affected by an unexpected interruption, the Chief Invigilator will implement appropriate and immediate action in accordance with the relevant procedures associated with this policy

4.10 Accommodations

4.10.1 A Student, who has been approved for an Accommodation, will receive appropriate and reasonable supports and services for their Examinations in accordance with the relevant procedures associated with this policy.

4.11 Examination Security

4.11.1 Examination Security is essential and must be assured at all times in accordance with the relevant procedures associated with this policy.

4.11.2 In order to afford Students, the same opportunity to succeed in Course assessments, including In-term and Final Examinations, it is critical to maintain Examination Security at all times. The University reserves the right to investigate and take action should there be any concerns relating to Examination Security.

4.11.3 Access to Examinations must be limited to the Academic Members who are writing the Examination materials, and to those who are assigned to administer the Examination on the prescribed date and time.

4.11.4 Examination Preparation, Submission, Exam Administration, Invigilation, and Marking of all Examination related documents, including electronic copies, must be secured under the responsibility of the Academic Member.

4.12 Venues

4.12.1 Final Examinations must be held in approved venues, with an appropriate number of trained Invigilators in accordance with the relevant procedures associated with this policy

5.0 Procedures

5.1 The Vice-President, Academics will ensure that procedures are developed for the implementation of this policy.

6.0 Related Documents

6.1 PR-AC-07: Examination Procedure.

6.2 PL-ST-08: Final Grade Policy.

PL-AC-07: Examination Policy ©
March 2021