Debit and credit cards are widely used in Qatar and ATM machines are at all major locations. There is also a Qatar National Bank (QNB) ATM machine at UDST in Building 3. Keep in mind that foreign debit cards do not necessarily work in all ATM machines. This varies based on your bank..

Like any other country, Qatar too, has glamorous malls with a variety of stores. These air-conditioned malls are spacious, well-decorated, and have cafes, fast food outlets, food courts, restaurants, cineplexes, children’s areas, and amusement arcades.
Typically, most malls in Doha are open from Saturday through Thursday.
Most will be closed on Friday mornings but will open up during the evening.
There are also several other smaller plazas and complexes, supermarkets, and local co-operative societies and shopping complexes in many residential areas of Qatar that sell most items.
Shopping in Doha - Souqs and Markets. Souks (Arabic markets) are a feature of life in the Gulf and are fun to visit for their novelty value, as well as being useful places to shop for certain items.
Bargaining is a good-natured affair and can be fun if you've got the patience to go along with it. Bargaining does not apply to all retail outlets in Qatar, however, and it is best to define this at the outset. Many of the more modern shops, especially food outlets, deal only in fixed prices.

Mobile phones are very popular in Qatar - some students have two or three of them. Ooredoo and Vodafone are the telecom providers in Qatar and offer good competitive rates.
To call Qatar from your home country dial 00974 plus the required eight numbers. To call your home country from Qatar, dial 00 plus your country code than the area code and required numbers.
Mobile Data is relatively low cost here and it is helpful to have an internet connection as a lot of services are available online.

Doha is a modern city and very well connected. Apart from driving your own car, there are several modes of public transport available to citizens and residents (Karwa Taxi, UBER, Karwa Bus, and the Doha Metro).

Working at University of Doha for Science and Technology is a wonderful opportunity both personally and professionally. It also presents some challenges because of the fact that you are working in a foreign country with different customs, laws, and religions.
Penalties for breaking the law can be more severe than in other countries for similar offenses. Persons violating Qatari laws, even unknowingly, may be arrested, expelled, and/or imprisoned.
UDST campus and its employees agree to respect cultural, religious, and social customs, and to obey the laws of the State of Qatar.
Your behavior can affect the University's reputation and can have an impact on its future in Qatar

Newcomers to Qatar must be aware that unless you are married and have the documentation to prove that, it is illegal to live with someone of the opposite sex. Furthermore, gestures of excessive affection in public should be avoided. If they are deemed to infringe on moral values, individuals concerned may be prosecuted. Homosexual activity is also considered to be a criminal offense.
Consumption of alcohol is only permitted in licensed areas (bars and restaurants, etc.) and private areas, subject to the owner holding the requisite license.
Bars and lounges are only available in the main hotels. It is not acceptable to be loud or to publicly display drunkenness.
All drugs (other than strictly medicinal ones) are banned and their use, purchase, and sale are harshly dealt with. Some medicinal drugs from other countries are prohibited as well. Individuals are advised to check with their physician in their home country for more information.
Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is strictly prohibited.
Importation of pork or pork products, alcohol, narcotics, and pornography into Qatar is prohibited.
Expats who choose to ignore these behavioral expectations are taking risks that can have serious consequences. One should always remember that we are ambassadors of UDST and we are guests in Qatar, so we must respect the local culture.